
Fastlane is a set of CI tools to help build, test and deploy Android and iOS on macOS.



First install Xcode (From the Mac App Store), then install the Xcode command line tools via:

xcode-select --install

Install from a download

here and then update via fastlane update_fastlane.

Just ignore all the cruff below about using homebrew etc as an SSL issue with Apple / Perl will cause you pain.

IGNORE: Homebrew

After Xcode & its tools have been installed, homebrew (a package manager) can be installed. See this for more notes on Homebrew. TL;DR -

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

IGNORE: Fastlane

Finally, fastlane itself can be installed (from homebrew).

brew update
brew cask install fastlane

IGNORE: Updates

Fastlane if frequently updated, so itโ€™s worth checking for updates often

brew update



Fastlane match

match is the tool we use here for code signing.

We already have the necessary Git repo stored here, contact me if you need access - youโ€™ll also need the PassPhrase.

fastlane match development

|        Summary for match 2.37.0        |
| type                  | development    |
| git_branch            | master         |
| keychain_name         | login.keychain |
| readonly              | false          |
| verbose               | false          |
| force                 | false          |
| skip_confirmation     | false          |
| shallow_clone         | false          |
| clone_branch_directly | false          |
| force_for_new_devices | false          |
| skip_docs             | false          |
| platform              | ios            |

[08:10:11]: To not be asked about this value, you can specify it using 'git_url'
[08:10:11]: URL to the git repo containing all the certificates: https://bitbucket.org/rikwatson_taap/fastlane
[08:10:19]: Cloning remote git repo...
[08:10:19]: If cloning the repo takes too long, you can use the `clone_branch_directly` option in match.
[08:10:21]: ๐Ÿ”“  Successfully decrypted certificates repo
[08:10:21]: To not be asked about this value, you can specify it using 'username'
[08:10:21]: Your Apple ID Username: email@example.com
[08:10:30]: Verifying that the certificate and profile are still valid on the Dev Portal...
[08:10:32]: To not be asked about this value, you can specify it using 'app_identifier'
[08:10:32]: The bundle identifier(s) of your app (comma-separated):
[08:14:12]: Couldn't find a valid code signing identity in the git repo for development... creating one for you now

|               Summary for cert 2.37.0                |
| development   | true                                 |
| force         | true                                 |
| username      | email@example.com                    |
| keychain_path | /Users/rik/Library/Keychains/login.  |
|               | keychain-db                          |
| platform      | ios                                  |

[08:14:12]: Starting login with user 'email@example.com'
[08:14:14]: Successfully logged in
[08:14:16]: Successfully generated 72EARVT24D which was imported to the local machine.
[08:14:17]: Verifying the certificate is properly installed locally...
[08:14:17]: Successfully installed certificate 72EARVT24D
[08:14:18]: ๐Ÿ”’  Successfully encrypted certificates repo
[08:14:18]: Pushing changes to remote git repo...
[08:14:20]: All required keys, certificates and provisioning profiles are installed ๐Ÿ™Œ

All done :-)

But itโ€™a all broken

If things are really bad, delete everything (certificate wise) and start again -

fastlane match nuke development

TODO: gym --use_legacy_build_api

Change to fastfile

Need to parameterise te following

lane :unlock do
    #unlock keychain
lane :tagAndPush do |options|   
    version = options[:version]

    #Commit plists
    git_commit(path:VERSION_FILES, message:"Version Bump: #{version}")
    #As we have a detached head, we will checkout a local branch 
    sh("git checkout -f -b #{BRANCH} || true")
    #Try to push to branch  
    tagName = "CI.Nightly.#{version}"
    add_git_tag(tag: tagName)


Building from the command line

This following can be added as a Jenkins step.

#!/bin/bash -l
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8

cd src

export WORKSPACE="my-app.xcworkspace"
export EXPORT_METHOD="enterprise"
# export IPA_NAME="my-app.ipa"
# export IPA_NAME="my-appUITests.ipa"

# Also --scheme my-appUITestsWebViewStatus or my-appUITests

gym --workspace "$WORKSPACE"          \
    --scheme "Debug"                  \
    --silent                          \
    --clean                           \
    --export_method "$EXPORT_METHOD"  \
    --export_team_id "$TEAM_ID"       \
    --include_bitcode false           \
    --include_symbols false           \
    --output_name "my-app.ipa"        \


sudo gem install fastlane --verbose
xcode-select --install
gem cleanup

Uploading to AWS Device Farm

Via aws_device_farm.rb


sudo gem update fastlane

Quick Start

cd [your_project_folder]
fastlane init

fastlane actions
fastlane list

fastlane ios test

scan for UI testing

scan --device "iPhone 6"

or as part of a lane

fastlane ios test

snapshot for screenshots

fastlane is written in Ruby.

Here is a list of Simulator types.

iPhone 4S iPhone 5 iPhone 5S iPhone 5C iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6S iPhone 6S Plus iPad 2 iPad 3 iPad 4 iPad Air iPad Air 2 iPad Pro iPad Mini iPad Mini 2 iPad Mini 3 iPod Touch 5G

simulators = ["iPhone 4S", "iPhone 5", "iPhone 5s", "iPhone 5C", "iPhone 6", "iPhone 6 Plus", "iPhone 6s", "iPhone 6s Plus", "iPad 2", "iPad 3", "iPad 4", "iPad Air", "iPad Air 2", "iPad Pro", "iPad Mini", "iPad Mini 2", "iPad Mini 3", "iPod Touch 5G"]

Then in Fastfile

  desc "Runs all the tests"
  lane :test do
    simulators = ["iPhone 4S", "iPhone 5", "iPhone 5s", "iPhone 5C", "iPhone 6", "iPhone 6 Plus", "iPhone 6s", "iPhone 6s Plus", "iPad 2", "iPad 3", "iPad 4", "iPad Air", "iPad Air 2", "iPad Pro", "iPad Mini", "iPad Mini 2", "iPad Mini 3", "iPod Touch 5G"]

    simulators.each do |dev|
      puts dev
      scan(device: dev)
    # scan(device: "iPhone 6")

So we can do a fastlane ios test and get the following o/p.

[12:00:50]: Successfully generated report at '/Users/richard.watson/Dropbox/work/my-app/mobile/iOS/Unit Testing/PercentageCalculator/fastlane/test_output/report.html'
[12:00:51]: Successfully generated report at '/Users/richard.watson/Dropbox/work/my-app/mobile/iOS/Unit Testing/PercentageCalculator/fastlane/test_output/report.junit'

|                     fastlane summary                     |
| Step | Action                              | Time (in s) |
| 1    | Verifying required fastlane version | 0           |
| 2    | default_platform                    | 0           |
| 3    | scan                                | 21          |
| 19   | scan                                | 42          |
| 20   | scan                                | 30          |

edit ./fastlane/Snapfile to chose which screenshot you need (Including localisation)

frameit for frames round screenshots

Need imagemagick - so, brew update && brew install imagemagick

First run of frameit will advise to grab the images from here & place in ~/.frameit/devices_frames

frameit --help

vim ./fastlane/screenshots/Framefile.json