
Looks like we could be having issues with overloading our internal DNS servers. So in preferences swap the two IP addresses round via System Preferences..., Network Advanced..., DNS. Swap & round. As an alternative could use & from Google - however this depends on how many internal services you need and wether you’re happy to add these manually to /etc/hosts.


Try a :

sudo su
Password: *****
touch /etc/sysctl.conf
echo net.link.ether.inet.arp_unicast_lim=0 >> /etc/sysctl.conf
chown root:wheel /etc/sysctl.conf
chmod 0644 /etc/sysctl.conf

Reboot, then check that the change has ‘stuck’ with a

sudo sysctl -a | grep net.link.ether.inet.arp_unicast_lim

The values should be 0, not 5.


We’re having network issues. It looks like out local AP is overprovisioned - 80 connections .v. a capacity of about 30.

1: (Temporarily) stop using the guest WiFi for their personal phones [Unless they are using them for Application testing] 2: Where possible use LAN not WiFi and disable WiFi

There are a few of us who have already been LAN only (WiFi disabled) who have experienced network wobbles – however, as we discussed this could be due to backbone over-utilization.

As an aside, a mobile SSID would be excellent.

PS: Would there be any (short term) advantage to getting a 4G MiFi for use by mobile – it could probably take 5-10 testers off the WiFi?