I’m not writting it down for later, I’m writting it down for now.

  • Use Tot for very simple note taking
  • Should work and personal notes be maintained in the same environment? Yes.
  • nvAlt is good but getting sync issues when running under iCloud; what about good old Git and some commit-trigger magic
    TODO: Move all data from nvALT Or … Is there a MD editor which can operate insitue - yes, PreText will, it can see Files in iCloud and / or Working Copy’s git repos. I wonder if macOS tags persist across a repo? I should really learn how to use them effecientyly.

Old Notes

  • Apple Notes - I have a lot of ‘ideas’ notes in there
  • OneNote - use rik@plancd.com login some ideas some stuff mainly old though.

On a Mac

On iOS

PreText loks like quite nice, and so does Working Copy.

So Tot for quick cut-and-paste meeting minutes, ideas etc. But every night eithert deleted or moved to the pretext file 1..7.md.

Where To Store Text / Ideas / Notes etc

And what tools to use

Rule: Use Markdown for all but the most complex of data - assuming it isn’t shared.

tot can be used for bsic data entry as it has quick sync between macOS, iOS and ipadOS. However is isn’t used for large chunks of data, ideallt it should be empty at the end of each day.

You almost want one of the coloured dots to be a list of the days tasks which get created in the morning & is emptyed by end-of-play.

nvALT is a nice place to just drop useful little buts of data but I’m finding that (for me) things get lost over time & useless clutter is easily created.

PreText is anothert nice iOS / iCloud solution for reasonably shortlived files.

Where stuff finaly lives.

I have …/Libaray/Computing/…, this should be used for general notes on things tech - though it would be nice to be abple to ‘push’ some .md files to a world visible github repo.

I could possibly use some YAML pre-text to determine if something should be published (& is so, where).

Certainly the master / definitive version of these should be held in Library, not nvALT, PerText or anythimg else.

Also names such as README.md aren’t helpful. If it’s about git, then call the file git.md.

Notes on how I Take Notes

  • Paper notes on a Moleskin
  • Initial or transitary notes in Notes.app.
  • Work notes to Confluence or whatever work requires.
  • World readable to rikwatson.github.io
  • Personal to OneNote.

Format is always GitHib Flavoured Markdown, even if the App used supports formatting.

OLD Notes on how I Take Notes

  • Use nvALT for personal (& unshared work) based notes.
  • Paper notes on a Moleskin
  • Initial or transitary notes in Notes.app.
  • Work notes to Confluence or whatever work requires.
  • World readable to rikwatson.github.io
  • Personal to OneNote.

Format is always GitHib Flavoured Markdown, even if the App used supports formatting.

Poor Man’s nvALT

# Poor man's NV!

function n {
    vim ~/Dropbox/nvALT/$1.md

function ns {
    ls -c ~/Dropbox/nvALT | grep $1