Having backed about for far too long, I think that nvALT is the way to go. Can I integrate with Obsidian?

However it would be very useful if I could add to it.

To do this I will create some tooling to allow it to be used by my blogging engine. These will mainly relatives to the [[YAML]] front matter and how nvALT handles it’s one internal links [[link]].

The issues I’ve been having have related to having multiple source if truth - THIS MUST STOP

layout: private


  1. Put nvALT in Github
  2. Move all applicable Markdown readme files from /Library/… to nvALT - check for (& don’t move if already exists)
  3. nvALT entries should be stored as Markdown (.MD) files with their title (not permalink) as the filename - replace : with because colon’s are illegal macOS filenames and the dot looks cool :-)
  4. ?


  • Q: Can nvALT folder be stored in [[git]]?
  • Look at using Marked wth nvALT - https://alexwlchan.net/2015/05/nvalt-and-marked/
  • Poor man’s nv - https://gist.github.com/rikwatson/c75e01d8e1e88755491671e707db990c