NOTE: These is currently (2017-07-03) a bug with chalice wherby, on macOS, the project directory name can’t contain spaces. You will get a [Errno 2] No such file or directory while running chalice deploy.

NOTE: requirements.txt only gets picked up on initiall “chalice deploy”

HINT: If you’re using chalice then it’s worth installing httpie (brew install httpie on a Mac), this gives you http, put, get etc as verbs on your command line.

Also worth a read, creating a thumbnail service (source code on github)&

Inside a virtualenv

pip install chalice

Create [AWS] access resources etc

mkdir ~/.aws
cat >> ~/.aws/config
region=YOUR_REGION (such as eu-west-2, us-west-2, us-west-1, etc)
# create a virtualenv with chalice installed
mkdir chalice-projects
cd chalice-projects/
virtualenv .
source ./bin/activate
pip install chalice

# create a new project
chalice new-project requirements-demo
cd requirements-demo/

# install required modules
pip install whois
# add them to requirements so they will be installed remotely
pip freeze | grep whois > requirements.txt

# write the app
cat << EOF >
from chalice import Chalice
import whois

app = Chalice(app_name='helloworld')

def index():
    return {'whois': 'module: %s' % whois}


# deploy

chalice deploy

# test the endpoints

{"whois": "module: <module 'whois' from '/var/task/whois/'>"}


chalice deploy
chalice logs
chalice delete --stage dev


Some example endpoints:

Hello World

from chalice import Chalice

app = Chalice(app_name='helloworld')

def index():
    return {'hello': 'world'}```


This is useful if you want to see what the request looks like:

def introspect():
    return app.current_request.to_dict()


        methods=['POST', 'PUT'])
def introspect():
    return app.current_request.to_dict()