Python Packaging & Dependency Management

On macOS & Ubuntu

curl -sSL | python

# This is the recommended way to install Poetry to ensure it is isolated from the rest of your system by vendorizing its dependencies.

Add this to your .bash_profile / .bashrc / .zshrc / etc after the pyenv config you added above:

export PATH="$HOME/.poetry/bin:$PATH

The bottom of your *rc file should now look like this (including pyenv config steps from above)

export PATH="$HOME/.poetry/bin:$PATH"
if [[ -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]]; then
    eval "$(pyenv init -)"
    eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

export PATH="$HOME/.poetry/bin:$PATH

Source your shell profile or start a new session:

source ~/<rc_file_name>

Verify that Poetry installed correctly:

poetry --version

Install dependencies

poetry install

Important: Poetry should now be your exclusive package manager. That means when you need to add or remove packages to a repository, you use poetry add <package> [--dev], poetry update [<package>] [--dev] and poetry remove <package> [--dev] in a feature branch and commit the resulting changes to the pyproject.toml and poetry.lock files (as opposed to using pip directly).