uname System Info

uname -a
Darwin Riks-Laptop.local 15.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.4.0: Fri Feb 26 22:08:05 PST 2016; root:xnu-3248.40.184~3/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64


To kill all processes call fred.

pkill -f fred


finger -s kzhfmk

Unix [oneLine][one liners] at Quora

10 Tools


Redirect wget to STDOUT

The following command runs wget and sends the output to STDOUT instead of to a file. Useful for testing a URL’s output.

wget -q -O - http://www.example.com/file.html


Empty Directories

find . -type d -empty

Files containing a string

find . -print | xargs grep -il "somestring"

Files not containing a string

find . -print | xargs grep -iL "somestring"


find . -type f -name "*.swift" -print | xargs grep -iL "APPLE"


find . -type f -name "*.swift" -exec grep -iLH "APPLE" {} \;

We can’t use the /dev/null trick as if will never match; instead replace with -H (Can add 'n for line number too).


find . -exec grep -i "hi rik" '{}' /dev/null \; -print


scp myfile.txt hope@computerhope:myfile.txt

The above example would copy the file myfile.txt to the computer hope server under the name hope.

scp remote:/home/hope/* .

Copy files in the remote machine in the /home/hope directory to your local computer.


  • c - Create
  • x - Extract
  • f - specifies the filename (which follows the f) used to tar into or to tar out from; see the examples below.
  • z - use zip/gzip to compress the tar file or to read from a compressed tar file.
  • v - verbose output, show, e.g., during create or extract, the files being stored into or restored from the tar file.

tar a directory

tar cvzf foo.tgz {directory}


tar xvzf foo.tgz

List the contents of a tar file

tar tvf file.tar

List the contents of a tar.gz file

tar -ztvf file.tar.gz

List the contents of a tar.bz2 file

tar -jtvf file.tar.bz2

  • t: List the contents of an archive
  • v: Verbosely list files processed (display detailed information)
  • z: Filter the archive through gzip so that we can open compressed (decompress) .gz tar file
  • j: Filter archive through bzip2, use to decompress .bz2 files.
  • f filename: Use archive file called filename

Using diff

OS-X diff is called Filemerge (From the command line), c.f. xcode.

Disk space via du

du -sh *
du -hsc ./*

This is what du -sk * | sort -nr shows in work area.

du --max-depth=1




Using GNU screen (/usr/bin/screen) in ReadyNAS by tweaker � Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:18 am

1. install with apt: apt-get install screen

2. add all non-root users supposed to run /usr/bin/screen to the tty group

3. change permissions on /dev/ptmx: chmod 664 /dev/ptmx
(step 3 avoids error messages like "No PTY found, sorry! screen terminated")

(optional: 4. adjust /etc/screenrc to fit you needs)
Caution: I'm still unsure, if step 3 is enough once or if it has to be done on every reboot.


Using ssh in webOS

C:\Program Files\HP webOS\SDK\bin. See the screenshot below for newbies.

Now, connect your phone to your computer via the USB cable.

Once connected, type this on your command prompt that’s still open:

novacom -t open tty://
cd /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm
tar cvzf applications.tgz applications


novacom get file://media/internal/application.tgz > applications.tgz

Copying files

scp -r -P 10022 root@localhost:/usr/palm/applications/ DESTINATION_DIR_HERE Apps located /usr/palm/applications ssh -p 5522 root@localhost scp

scp -P 5522 file.mp3 root@localhost:/media/internal

On real device 3rd party applications are stored in /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications.

Note: When running in the browser, you can bring up the AppMenu by using the keystroke combination

CTRL + `

Use tar with real device - tar cvzf foo.tgz cps100

will tar the directory cps100 (and its files/subdirectories) into a tar file named foo.tgz.

To see a tar file’s table of contents use: tar tzf foo.tgz

To extract the contents of a tar file use: tar xvzf foo.tgz

Then copy .tar file to /media/internal