c.f. [[Quotes]]

  • Maven
  • Exegesis 
  • Peripatetic
  • Petrichor
  • Desiderata (Latin: “desired things”)
  • Apropos of nothing
  • pre-emptive (But emptive isn’t a word)
  • Cognoscenti - People well informed about a particular subject ‘People who know’ - http://cognoscere.com/ cognoscere
  • Giftschrank - Poison cabinet
  • Grimoire /grimwaar/ (noun) ::= a book of magic spells and invocations. Origin: French, alteration of grammaire ‘grammar’. A grammar is a description of a set of symbols and how to combine them to create well-formed sentences. A grimoire is a description of a set of magical symbols and how to combine them properly. It is sort of a recipe-book for magic spells.
  • Sensei born before 先生

This too shall pass.

  • Sic transit gloria mundi - “Thus passes the glory of the world.” / “Worldly things are fleeting.”
  • Memento mori “Remember that you have to die”
  • Impermanence no physical or mental object is permanent (Buddhism doctorate)
  • Ozymandias The central theme of “Ozymandias” is contrasting the inevitable decline of all leaders and of the empires they build with their pretensions to greatness

  • Mordant


  1. (especially of humour) having or showing a sharp or critical quality; biting.

Said of Iain M. Banks - “A mordant wit, a certain savagery and a wild imagination.”