
We need a common method to allow the hosting C# app to communicate with the hosted HTML5 application. It appears that the Xamarin.Forms WebView API doesn’t support a common method for JavaScript to invoke C#.

C# to JavaScript is handled by the Eval method.

There is no (apparent) easy method for the running JavaScript to call the C#. Normally this is done by the JavaScript changing the window.source to a “special” URI which is handled by the C# (but the underlying window is not changed).

window.source = "NATIVE://some/encoded/method/call" // This won't work

Note that these calls are always async.

Perhaps we can run a local webserver on the device (As part of the C# App) so we can replace with:

httpRequest("http://localhost:72438/SOMECALL?function=getimdb", function(result){

Implementing a suitable async server in C# should be pretty easy.


Or just look here

At first you should save it in InstalledLocation folder. We can just use file.CopyAsync(htmlFolder, fname + ".html");

StorageFolder htmlFolder = await Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation.CreateFolderAsync(@"HtmlFiles", CreationCollisionOption.GenerateUniqueName);
IStorageFile file = await htmlFolder .CreateFileAsync(fname + ".html", CreationCollisionOption.GenerateUniqueName);

Then you open the .html file:

var fop = new FileOpenPicker();
var file = await fop.PickSingleFileAsync();
if (file != null)
   string myPath = file.Path.Substring(file.Path.IndexOf("HtmlFiles"));
   myWebview.Navigate(new Uri("ms-appx-web:///" + myPath));

Remember just only from InstalledLocation you can open it with ms-appx-web:///

(All in pseudo code). to show dependency injection.

Assuming we have a config.xml file held somewhere then:

C# Side

var configXml = readXmlFile("./Config.xml")

var configAsJsonString = serialiseXmlToJson(configXml)



var Config = {
    LoadFromJson : function(string){},
    ProcessNewConfig  : function(json){}

Config.LoadFromJson = function(JSONString : string){



Config.ProcessNewConfig = function(JSON : object){

    // Do something with new config

  • https://developer.xamarin.com/recipes/android/controls/webview/call_csharp_from_javascript/