
AWS in Plain English

Also consider STF.

Prepare Your iOS XCTest UI Tests

Before you upload iOS XCTest UI tests to Device Farm for testing, make sure that your iOS XCTest UI test runner bundle is contained within a properly formatted .ipa file. To create an .ipa file, you can place your my-project-nameUITest-Runner.app bundle in an empty Payload directory. Next, archive the Payload directory into a .zip file and then change the file extension to .ipa. The *UITest-Runner.app bundle is produced by Xcode when you build your project for testing, and it can be found in the Products directory for your project.


TODO: Notes on account creation here

Account Details

TODO We should document these.

Use with Jenkins

TODO Document how the account Id’s are stored within Jenkins global settings.

Use with Fastlane

Uploading to AWS Device Farm

Via aws_device_farm.rb

To Investigate

  • AWS Device farms - https://github.com/jenkinsci/aws-device-farm-plugin

TODO: Read this post.

## iOS Testing



For XCTest testing, we need to upload the .xctest folder as well. This can be found here:

  • ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-xxxxxxx/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyApp Tests.xctest

We could extend the above idea from @phl. AWS can download app uploaded from HockeyApp but these won’t contain the associated .xctest folders. So, why not store the lot in GitHub? Standard GitHub has some limits (Files < 100 Mb) storage & bandwidth etc, but even if we approach that we can use Git Large File Store (LFS).

This could work in a similar way to the Config Repo GitHub monitor which we are currently using.

Jenkins could be used to create the assets which would then be git push‘ed to GitHub (& / or HockeyApp)

This could the automatically trigger a AWS Device Farm test run.



AWS Device Farm Plugin install on Big Mac.

  • http://docs.aws.amazon.com/devicefarm/latest/APIReference/Welcome.html
  • http://docs.aws.amazon.com/devicefarm/latest/developerguide/continuous-integration-jenkins-plugin.html
  • https://github.com/awslabs/aws-device-farm-jenkins-plugin
  • http://docs.aws.amazon.com/devicefarm/latest/developerguide/jenkins-ci-installing-the-plugin.html

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