I like Slack, rather a lot. I also like CI, so how do we merge them.

Our existing system is based on Jenkins and Fastlane, both of which are excellent. But wouldn’t it be nice if I could type /build feature/checkout into Slack & have a full build / test cycle run.

Stream any log file to Slack using curl

You’ll need a Slack Incomming WebHook for this.



./tail-slack.sh "file.log" "https://hooks.slack.com/services/...";
./tail-slack.sh "/var/log/ngix/access.log" \
  "https://hooks.slack.com/services/..." " 404 ";

Don’t forget nohup so will run post logout from ssh or whatever.

#ios_notifications webhook (It’s in 1password, Rik)

See here to modify.

In Jenkins, using ` ~/.slack.conf`

# Try to read the configuration from:
#   1. the working directory
#   2. The user's home directory
# (in that order)
if [ -f "$(pwd)/$config_file" ]; then
  source "$(pwd)/$config_file"
elif [ -f "$HOME/$config_file" ]; then
  source "$HOME/$config_file"

#export PAYLOAD='payload={"channel": "#ios_notifications", "username": "webhookbot ", "text": "This is posted to #ios_notifications and comes from Jenkins - please ignore.", "icon_emoji": ":slack:"}'
export PAYLOAD='payload={"channel": "#ios_notifications", "username": "webhookbot", "text": "This is posted to #ios_notifications and comes from Jenkins - please ignore." }' 

curl -X POST --data-urlencode \
'payload={"channel": "#ios_notifications", "username": "webhookbot ", "text": "This is posted to #ios_notifications and comes from Jenkins, please ignore.", "icon_emoji": ":slack:"}'  \

cat ~/.slack.conf
# Your Slack hook URL